Tato Hot Nikit Mirzani

Tato Hot Nikit Mirzani. In the picture he acts like a proud and being memarken 17 tattoos that spread throughout the body sexy. 

 No one will be able to replace the figure of him in my life, "he said. Additionally, one of the most glaring concern is the large tattoo on his chest with his name." Right guy I like dementia, I also lazy when diajakin least acquaintances. Now if diajakin acquaintance with a girl so stay busungin chest alone. Ya my name. Once. Hahaha, "he explained. And just do not want to stop with the 17 tattoos, Nikita Mirzani still planning to add a new tattoo on his body." Yes, we want to create two tattoos dolphin jump in the ass again. So if again wear a bikini or g-string invisible.

Nikita also talks about the beginnings of his interest in the tattoos that adorn the body beautiful. Initially, Tattoos are an escape. Broken home and his family because he was also often involved check-choke with parents, was looking for an outlet. "Incidentally papa and mama (deceased) broken home. Few check-choke at home and finally I try to make a tattoo, he recalls. Movie stars 'Wild Women Women' which opens in theaters quickly that choosing a tattoo because she felt a different sensation hooked up to the present.

I love the image and love the flowers too, so feel more beautiful I think, he explained. Overall 17 tattoo artists closely at the skin section was possessed their meanings. For example, a tattoo on the left side of his stomach is dedicated to the memory of the deceased mother who died three years ago from ovarian cancer. Meaning tattoo writing on this point I would love him even if he was in heaven there. 
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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Thursday, May 16, 2013

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